

As an innovator, explorer, intuitive or deep thinker,
you are unique and different.

Your difference serves the world well.

Being authentic and comfortable with your difference is even better.

Emanating your authenticity and difference from within is the best of all possibilities.

We anticipate you will accomplish many things should you choose to take a journey with us.

Among your potential achievements, you will likely:

  • Access greater inner knowing
  • Uncover untapped abilities and skills
  • Develop your abilities beyond what perhaps you thought possible
  • Learn to leverage more of your strengths
  • Improve your confidence and trust in yourself
  • Realize your worthiness
  • Find some more of your tribe
  • Increase your knowledge, wisdom and skills
  • Elevate your life

You’ll find many different things here.

We expect you’ll find what calls you, aligns with your spirit and purpose, and that which will fulfill you.


Darla Gray

Founder of Alchemy of Insights™
and Academy of Insights™

Come join us. We look forward to saying “Welcome Home”!

Our Mission Statement

Talks, workshops and other events facilitated by talented thought leaders, educators, and highly skilled spiritual teachers to:

 Support expanded awareness and heightened consciousness of those people who are drawn to the events - one insight at a time, and one experience at a time.

Offer helpful insights, tools and uplifting experiences as catalysts to enlighten and empower both individuals and groups in their journeys toward purpose, meaning, expansion, spiritual growth, health and wellness.

Provide a safe space to experiment, develop, progress, expand, and comprehend one’s own unique empathetic, intuitive, mediumistic and healing abilities as well as to heighten the connection with one’s own soul’s knowing.