California Consumer Privacy Notice

For California Residents Only

(Effective: December 11, 2023)

Notice Statement

This Privacy Notice is for California residents and supplements our Privacy Policy.  This Notice applies to website visitors, users and clients who are natural persons residing in California for other than  temporary or transitory purposes, or an individual domiciled in California.  This Notice does not apply to individuals living elsewhere, businesses or other corporate entities. This Notice gives California residents additional information about our information collection and use practices required in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) and the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”). 

Personal Information as used in this Notice is a fact about an individual which, if combined with one or more other facts about that individual, would enable others to determine the specific person to whom the facts apply.  Personal Information may apply to collection of information online or offline. Personal information does not include publicly available information or information that has been de-identified or aggregated.  Sensitive Personal Information is a subset of personal information that requires greater security protections and standards of care in handling and is information that if lost, compromised or disclosed could result in substantial harm, embarrassment, inconvenience, or unfairness to an individual.

Right of Access

You have the right to access personal information we may collect or maintain about you.  If requested, we will provide you with a copy of your personal information we have collected as permitted by the CCPA and CPRA.  You have the right to receive your personal information in a commonly used format so that it can be transferred to another entity.

Right to Disclosure

You have the right to request that we disclose the following about your personal information, as defined by the CCPA and CPRA: (i) The specific personal information we may collect; (ii) The categories of personal information we may collect; (iii) The categories of sources from which we may collect your personal information; (iv) The business purpose(s) for collecting or sharing your personal information; (v) The categories of personal information we may disclose for business purposes; and (vi) The categories of third parties to whom we may share your personal information.

Right to Opt-Out/ Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Alchemy of Insights does not sell personal information within the meaning of the CCPA/CPRA. Under the CCPA, “sale” is broadly defined to mean the sharing of personal information with third-parties who are not acting as our service providers or who are otherwise not restricted from using data only on our behalf or pursuant to an applicable CCPA exception.

Do Not Share or Disclose My Sensitive Personal Information

You have the right to limit how any sensitive personal information is disclosed or shared with third parties, as defined in the CCPA/CPRA.

Right to Deletion

In certain circumstances you have the right to request the deletion of your personal information.  Upon verification of the validity of a deletion request, we will delete your personal information from our records, and instruct any service providers or third-parties to delete your information, if applicable.

Right to Correct/ Right to Rectification

In certain circumstances you have the right to request correction of any inaccurate personal information.  Upon verifying the validity of a California consumer correction request, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct your personal information as directed, taking into account the nature of the personal information and the purposes of maintaining your personal information.

Please be aware that the above rights are not absolute, and we may have the right to refuse requests, in whole or in part, where permitted under applicable law.

Exercising Your Rights

If you are a California resident, you can exercise any of your rights as described in this Notice and under applicable privacy laws by contacting us at [email protected]. We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights.  Except as described in this Notice or provided for under applicable privacy laws, there is no charge to exercise your legal rights.  However, if your requests are unfounded or excessive, in particular because of their repetitive character, we may either: (i) charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or taking the action requested; or refuse to act on the request and notify you of the reason for refusing your request.  Please include your name, e-mail, phone number and address when making a request.  Where we have reasonable doubts concerning the identity of the person making the request, we may request additional information necessary to confirm your identity. Where you claim to represent any other person in making a request, we may independently verify the fact of your representation with such person.

Personal Information We Collect

We collect personal information as necessary to enable us to carry out your instructions, to manage and operate our business, and to comply with our legal obligations.

Personal information we may collect in the course of our relationship with you as a client, or as a potential client, may include, but is not limited to: (i) Your name; (ii) Your mailing address; (iii) Your contact information (such as email address and telephone number); (iv) Information relating to the services sought; (v) Other personal information contained in correspondence and documents which you may  provide to us; and/or (vi) Information we may obtain from our information technology and communications.

This personal information is required to enable us to provide our services to you.  If you do not provide the personal information we request, it may delay or prevent us from rending services to you.  You confirm that you have authority to provide any personal information we collect on your behalf. 

Sensitive Personal Information We Collect

We may also collect sensitive personal information as necessary to manage and operate our business, render services to you, and to comply with applicable legal obligations.  You may supply us with, or we may receive, the following sensitive personal information: (i) Username and password; (ii) Billing and financial information, or credit/debit card information; and/or (iii) Demographic information, such as gender or ethnicity.

We collect sensitive personal information on the basis of one or more of the following: (i) You have given us explicit consent to the collection for specific purposes; (ii) The sensitive personal information is made public by you; and/or (iii) When collection is necessary to provide services to you.

How Personal Information is Collected

We collect most personal information directly from you.  We may also collect personal information from publicly accessible sources, our website, or through the use of cookies.  Please see our Privacy Policy for further information.

The Purpose for Collection of Personal Information

We collect personal information for the following purposes: (i) To provide services to you as a client; (ii) To comply with our internal business practices and procedures; (iii) To comply with legal requirements; (iv) For internal operational reasons; (v) To prevent unauthorized access to our systems; (vi) For maintenance of client records; and (vii) For marketing our services to you.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We use a reasonable standard of care to store and protect from disclosure any personal information collected by limiting access to personal information and sensitive personal information to individuals with a “need to know”. Personal Information will be retained by us as set out in our Privacy Policy.  We may share your personal information as follows: (i) If we are subject to disclose or share your information in order to comply with any legal or regulatory obligation; or (ii) To enforce or apply our policies or to establish, exercise or defend our rights.

Our third-party service providers are subject to security and confidentiality obligations and are only permitted to process information for a specified, legitimate business purpose and in accordance with our instructions.

Data Storage and Security

We use a reasonable standard of care to store and protect your personal information.  We use appropriate security measures and procedures to protect personal information from unauthorized use, loss, alteration, destruction or modification.  We only retain your personal information as long as is reasonably necessary.

Contact Information

We are not required to appoint a Data Protection Officer.  However, should you have any questions regarding this Notice, or any questions about your rights with respect to your personal information please contact us at [email protected].

We reserve the right to modify, revise or amend this Privacy Notice at any time and in any manner.

Unsubscribe from Communications

If you wish to unsubscribe from our communications, please email [email protected].